Love Triangle: Heartstrings

Love Triangle: Heartstrings

版本 1.5
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  • 软件大小: 75.44MB
  • 最新版本: 1.5
  • 文件格式: apk
  • 应用分类: 其他
  • 使用语言: 英文或其他
  • 网络支持:
  • 系统要求: 4.0.3以上
  • 开发者: Hanabi Media
Compose a symphony of laughter, drama, romance and love in this interactive visual storyEnjoy and make your decisions in this FREE social dating sim episode game!===We will recommend you, if you......===* Love movies, dramas and romantic fictions* Want to fall in love with a handsome guy* Want to enjoy a dramatic romance in APP* Interest in romance game or otome game* Like the shojo (girls') comics and animation* Like the romance drama* Want to experience the nervousness about love* Have interests in the mysterious love stories* Want to read a story with complex relationships* Want to read the sweet words which make your heart beating fast* Can't resist on Japanese style ikemen and Korea charming oppa===Features===- EXPERIENCE your quartet's growing path to fame and your love story- NAME your own quartet- MAKE a choice on your repertoire- INTERACT with various characters in story!- DECIDE who will be your boyfriend- ENJOY pleasing music and vivid sound effect.===Story===As a high school student in an elite music school, you have worked hard to shine.All your life, you have focused strictly on practice and performance and you've done it alone. But at this time, something's been missing!When you find yourself placed in a top-ranking string quartet, you are forced to forge bonds with your new partners. Suddenly, you are caught between a strict, masterful cellist and a warm, princely violist... and your life will never be the same!What secrets do they keep? How will you grow together? What's the challenge your quartet will face? And which love interest will win your heart on valentine's day? Only You Can Decide Your Path to success and love...===Character Profiles===Tetsuya - Cellist. Mysterious genius, seems proud and private, but suddenly opens up to you?!Naoki - Violist. The most popular guy on campus, looks charismatic but actually unconfident. Will you fall for him while playing together?===How to Play===-Open the app.-START the love adventure.-NAME your own character! Play as yourself!-MAKE important choices throughout the story, interact with your dream guy.-MAKE decision to pick who is your Prince Charming!-ENJOY attractive story with amazing pictures and characters.-TELL us what you think, contact us through the game with any comments or questions. ===Support ===Please check the FAQ before contacting us.If you still need help after reading the FAQ, use the Contact Us button in the APP.Please be aware that we cannot respond to the APP Store reviews or Facebook posts.Music:; Hanabi Media===Hanabi Media aims to provide high quality interactive romantic love story for all people who enjoy having daily dose of romance in their lives! We are the home for visual novel fans, where you can choose your own love journey!Our Website: www.hanabimedia.netOur Facebook:
-Minor bugs fixed for a better playing experience!
  • _没有星星的夜空_ 2017-05-29
    纯粹留个名 已攻略完毕 来送上男神炽热的红脸(?) 意外两位性格一样有点黑www
  • 雍齿 2017-03-10
    因为这是英文版也没看见汉化,我就图着好玩把里面情节全部记录下来了,因为我说话不正经,加上玩这个纯粹是练阅读理解,有些看不太懂的干脆机翻,所以有可能翻的不太对,请多体谅w 以下女主均用第二人称。 这是一个叫“心弦”的乙女游,看名字我们就知道肯定是主角们谈谈琴恋恋爱或者发现人生真谛或者走上人生巅峰的故事。 你小时候听了一场音乐会的live,在音乐响起的一瞬间你整个人都懵了,你觉得音乐似乎有着某种魔力。在所有的乐器里边,小提琴是最动听的,它就像是最闪亮的女主角,因为你觉得你是女主所以也要成为闪亮的女主角(不),所以你立下了一个宏伟的目标,就是:教练,我想学这个!!(教练:你他妈终于有想学的东西了┴─┴︵╰(‵□′╰) “pang pang pang”一阵刺耳的铃声过后,你梦醒了(不),老师来到你面前说虽然你今天的课已经结束了,但是有人要见你,所以今天就不要出去浪了要乖哦么么哒。你答应了。当你走在走廊上装忧郁的时候,内心独白了一下。原来你走上音乐这条路之后,发现音乐的魔法在逐渐消失。(好了我懂了,就是人生巅峰的故事)这时候一位小姐姐张牙舞爪的过来了,劈头盖脸的把你一顿骂并说快滚开,不知道我老公马上就要从这里过去吗!(然后我发现这款乙女游还有人物设定的小卡片,真是新游新发现啊)你一脸wtf的想:你老公,你老公是谁啊?这时带着一脸可攻略的男主Naoki来了,一堆粉丝大叫着“老公好帅”“老公赛高”,先前的小姐姐也秒变痴汉。经过人物小卡片可以知道Naoki是校园偶像,血型是B型,双鱼座。