Choco R2k Player - Free!

Choco R2k Player - Free!

版本 3.1.3b
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Choco R2k Player - Free!截图0 Choco R2k Player - Free!截图1 Choco R2k Player - Free!截图2 Choco R2k Player - Free!截图3 Choco R2k Player - Free!截图4
  提示:该应用暂无版号 应用汇暂不提供下载
  • 软件大小: 21.85MB
  • 最新版本: 3.1.3b
  • 文件格式: apk
  • 应用分类: 其他
  • 使用语言: 英文或其他
  • 网络支持:
  • 系统要求: 2.3以上
Rpg2KPlayer is one of the fastest and unique emulator that can run a wide range of games including 2000 & 2003 Rpg Maker series.Now, enjoy these games in your hands! - This application is just an emulator (i.e. no source game files included).If you want to play a game, you should download it first from any website.- Most of the functions are double-checked, but still some of the minor tabs may not work.If there is any problem or if you have any suggestions, just let me know. - Place the game files to the following folder to be loaded: SdCard/RPGL/(The folder will be created automatically while the app is opened) - Supported languages: English, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese- Manual : The list of games that has been tested:- Ib (developer: kouri corp, genre: horror game)- Yumenikki (developer: kikiyama, genre: horror game) [not fully tested]- III (developer: Sweeter than sweet corp, genre: escaping game & RPG2000 Sample game) - The emulator may not work for some other games since it is developed based on the aforementioned ones. If you find your game not opened with this emulator, please send me an email. (FYI, there is a send-mail tab on it.) I'll get back to you as soon as possible!- Contact info : chocolatlsweet@gmail.comNow, enjoy these games in your hands!- This application is just an emulator (i.e. no source game files included).If you want to play a game, you should download it first from any website.- Most of the functions are double-checked, but still some of the minor tabs may not work.If there is any problem or if you have any suggestions, just let me know.- Place the game files to the following folder to be loaded: SdCard/RPGL/(The folder will be created automatically while the app is opened)- Supported languages: English, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese- Manual : list of games that has been tested:- Ib (developer: kouri corp, genre: horror game)- Yumenikki (developer: kikiyama, genre: horror game) [not fully tested]- III (developer: Sweeter than sweet corp, genre: escaping game & RPG2000 Sample game)- The emulator may not work for some other games since it is developed based on the aforementioned ones. If you find your game not opened with this emulator, please send me an email. (FYI, there is a send-mail tab on it.)I'll get back to you as soon as possible!- Contact info :
Fixed Custom Font
  • 不想_9835 6个月前
  • 视界_1589 6个月前
  • 海漣冰刃… 12个月前
    目前ib和夢日記都可以運行! 不過玩夢日記時會有些缺點,例如說無法捏臉醒來、玩小遊戲會無法退出 ib的話有時將玫瑰放入水中後只剩1條命,很少見啦
  • 王志_2129 12个月前
    Chocoplayer是一款可以运行RPG的游戏,是电脑的RPG,不过这个软件有一些Bug,比如说中文版野比大雄的生化危机不会显示中文,花屏,黑屏等等情况,Easyrpg这款软件基本说是没Bug的,可以在汇汇上面搜索Easyrpg. 那么废话不多说,教程开始吧!
  • neⅴer 2020-06-27
  • げ断了臂的恶魔ೄ೨_9175 2019-07-13
  • Mr.Kr 2018-10-18
    哦吼吼,下载完把文件解压到rpgl直接就能开始玩咯,哦吼吼♪~ヽ(•̀㉨•́ )ゝ✧,开心开心
  • 跨越一零一 2018-10-18
  • サクラサク 2018-10-18
  • 皊梓 2018-05-06