Halloween Akakawa Horror Game

Halloween Akakawa Horror Game

版本 1.3
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Halloween Akakawa Horror Game截图0 Halloween Akakawa Horror Game截图1 Halloween Akakawa Horror Game截图2 Halloween Akakawa Horror Game截图3 Halloween Akakawa Horror Game截图4 Halloween Akakawa Horror Game截图5 Halloween Akakawa Horror Game截图6 Halloween Akakawa Horror Game截图7 Halloween Akakawa Horror Game截图8 Halloween Akakawa Horror Game截图9 Halloween Akakawa Horror Game截图10
  提示:该应用暂无版号 应用汇暂不提供下载
  • 软件大小: 22.30MB
  • 最新版本: 1.3
  • 文件格式: apk
  • 应用分类: 动作冒险
  • 使用语言: 英文
  • 网络支持:
  • 系统要求: 4.0以上
This is a standalone game and tech demo for another upcoming project currently titled: 'The Cycle: Eternal Punishment' showcasing the engine in its beta stages while providing a complete game experience (essentially a playable trailer). https://www.facebook.com/thecycleeternalpunishment/In this game you will take the role of Aka a High school student of Akakawa who joins her friends Kyo, Kenshi, Eri and Felix in a Halloween tradition gone wrong. Stalked by a vengeful spirit; fighting to keep your sanity, find your friends and escape.If you enjoyed thIs horror game (visual novel?) and want to see a larger game/better mechanics/more in depth story (in The Cycle: Eternal Punishment) leave a rating and review with your thoughts. Thank you for reading I hope you enjoy the game.Created by Tyler FreemanInspired by old school point and click survival horror adventure games and Japanese anime / ghost story traditions and styles.Halloween curse of Akakawa is a short anime survival horror adventure game for phones and tablets inspired by old school point and click horror games (eg clock tower). During a Halloween party, Aka, a high-school girl, regains her consciousness from a disastrous prank. She is immediately chased by an animated corpse. Croaking a growl of grudge filled hatred she intends to make you suffer.**Known bugs and temporary fixes (before next update)**- Exiting Class 1A may cause a bug in the 'Entrance Hall' simply exit to the left (1D to 1B Hallway) to remedy this.Google games achievementsEscape 100pts / 10,000xpEscaped Akakawa Highschool.Sane 100pts / 10,000xpEscaped with a high sanity rating.Insane 25pts / 2500xpDrop the sanity meter to poor.Where's Eri? 50pts / 5000xpFind Eri.Where's Felix? 50pts / 5000xpFind Felix.Where's Kenshi 50pts / 5000xpFind Kenshi.You died 25pts / 2500xpExperience death.Found hallway key 50pts / 5000xpFind gym block key.Found lighter 50pts / 5000xpFind a lighter.
  • Storyswap_Chara 2020-11-07
    开头有一段剧情,剧情完了以后立刻往右边冲,跑到教学楼里。进去第二间房间,点击右边的柜子,找到钥匙。 有女鬼的话去第三间房间避难,直到花屏结束。 接下来去二楼,挨个教室搜查一遍,不要去女厕所,去了的话不要打开任何一扇门,里面会有绿毛酱的尸体……不是很高能但是很浪费时间(喂你) 在最后一间教室中找到打火机,往右走会发现门被锁了。 回到一楼,用打火机烧掉缠在门上的头发,进去,一直往右走,然后捡起房间最里面的三楼钥匙。捡起来以后屏幕变红水龙头也会开始喷血,不要管它们,反正捡起来钥匙立刻往回跑,要快,不然女鬼会从门框上掉下来堵路 接下来三四楼基本都是高能,不要以为这么可爱的画风不会吓你一跳。 出去以后上到三楼,挨个房间搜索。有几间房间可以活动的,往里面走,其中一间房间里面会突然摔下来一个尸体,不恐怖但是太突然了真的有点吓人() 另外一间房间里面会有一个电脑,点进去会让你输入密码。 上到四楼,进去第一间房间,迎来本期最大高能(இдஇ; ) 所谓的高能其实是房间里全是血并伴随着红屏,可爱的女鬼酱会在你屏幕前面闪来闪去 往前走,黑板上会有字,得知密码是RIPAKA99 回到三楼,去原来那个要密码的电脑那里,输入密码点击Enter,获得钥匙 再次去到四楼,一直往右走直到出现“go”的提示,然后逃出去 接下来又是一段剧情,游戏结束
  • 無^.^ 2020-05-04
  • 兀落 2020-01-22
  • 魔法纪录什么时候出弓焰 2019-08-15
    女主死了? 翻译: Akakawa日报1999年10月31日女孩在海斯科尔游泳池溺水
  • I'm quan yin. 2018-10-17
  • x-^.^ 2018-06-17
  • hakahi 2017-10-16
    ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_