Ghost Camera(Beta)

Ghost Camera(Beta)

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Ghost Camera(Beta) 介绍

Ghost Camera(Beta)

-----------------------------------------Paid version of Ghost Detector 3dV open!!!------------------------------------------ This program is a Camera version of "Ghost Detector 3DV" which is downloaded by ten hundred thousand people worldwidely.- This program has a CPU speed of 800Mhz or more of your phone is recommended.- 800Mhz is less than or equal to [Ghost Detector 2D] use.[Description]Ghost Camera detects a ghost (phantom) as a form of multiple sensor.Discovered ghost are marked by red box.Especially, it analyzes the wave length of multiple sensor by unique algorithm.* This tool is slightly less accuracy. If professional ghost hunter, please use 'Ghost Detector 3D'[Basic Algorithm]It extracts multiple sensor of bandwidth wave that people couldn’t see.It filters specific sound waveform out and measures frequency of color.When unusual frequency of color occurs, it recognizes as ghost. [Instruction]* Sometimes it made a wrong response to human or electronic equipments.* When you operate it while you move in the unstable situation, program can be malfunction.* Detection ability can be changeable depend on your cell phone’camera sensor sensitivity.* This program cannot be allowed for searching aliens or UFOs.* Made this program seriously but don't take results too seriously.[Description]Ghost Camera detects a ghost (phantom) as a form of multiple sensor.Discovered ghost are marked by red box.Especially, it analyzes the wave length of multiple sensor by unique algorithm.* This tool is slightly less accuracy. If professional ghost hunter, please use 'Ghost Detector 3D'[Basic Algorithm]It extracts multiple sensor of bandwidth wave that people couldn’t see.It filters specific sound waveform out and measures frequency of color.When unusual frequency of color occurs, it recognizes as ghost. [Instruction]* Sometimes it made a wrong response to human or electronic equipments.* When you operate it while you move in the unstable situation, program can be malfunction.* Detection ability can be changeable depend on your cell phone’camera sensor sensitivity.* This program cannot be allowed for searching aliens or UFOs.* Made this program seriously but don't take results too seriously.

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