Photo Slideshow with Music

Photo Slideshow with Music

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Photo Slideshow with Music

Photo Slideshow with Music
Photo Video Maker with Music is the easiest way to create a video in slide show style. Using Photo Video Maker, Create a video in slide show style with your photos, music and animation.
Arrange the photos in order with the perfect background, music and animation to create a video of your own.
Photo to video converter with song applications through you not delete any photo or image. You just convert all photos to video or slideshow. Thousands of memory images are stored into a video so you can show them in slid show view.It will save your customize photos into video format in SD Card.
Give you Photo to video maker with several steps, selecting photos, adding filters, text and music, instantly finish your own video.
Anyone can make their images/photo into video so easily and fast.

Photo Video Maker creative Feature ::
* Choose multiple photos from your album to create video.
* Add Pictures from gallery as many as you can.
* Select each and every picture individually so that you can leave unwanted pictures.
* Change the photo order with your preference.
* Add music to your slideshow video.
* Set video frame rate to your Photo to video for fast or slow down your final video.
* Create high quality videos with your photos instantly on your mobile or tablet device.
* Save your video to our App Gallery of your phone.
* Show the video to your friends and family.
* Photo to Video Converter app is absolutely free to use.

Please email us if your device is not supported, we will try our best to support it.
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