Don't Touch My Phone

Don't Touch My Phone

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Don't Touch My Phone 介绍

Don't Touch My Phone

With Don't Touch my phone app you don’t have to be anymore afraid to leave your phone. Alarm will be triggered if anyone tries to touch your phone. The Alarm keeps your phone save from curious people and burglars. Anti-Theft-Alarm - Keep people from messing with your phone with an alarm anytime someone tries to pick up your phone.★ Use this app, if you're afraid that someone:• Reads your private information on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. • Reads your private messages.• Looks into your photo galleries.• Uses your laptop. Just leave the smartphone on the laptop cover, if someone touches it, the alarm will warn you.★ Easy 2-step setup:• Step 1: Activate the alarm. • Step 2: Put the device on a fixed place.★ Features:• Triggers the alarm in just two steps.• Smartphone motion detection.• Loud alarm sound with device vibration.• Runs in background.

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?Now you can hear the alarm even with the headphones.

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