Shopping Mall Car Driving

Shopping Mall Car Driving

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Shopping Mall Car Driving 介绍

Shopping Mall Car Driving

Shopping Mall car trip has never been this fun before! Enter the busy lot outside the biggest shopping centre in the area! Pick one of the cars and show everyone how it’s done!

New levels and progression
Realistic, eye-catching visuals
Dynamic day/night system
10 highly-detailed cars - sports cars, an SUV, a muscle car and more!
Responsive, accurate controls
Exciting and detailed map to drive around
Multiple missions to complete for fun and challenge

The game features a sprawling, detailed Shopping Mall environment full of sharp turns, obstacles and narrow passages. If you’ve ever tried to find your spot in one of those places on a busy weekend afternoon, you may think you’re pretty sure how it’s going to go down... Push your car to its limits and earn your place among the best!

You have the advantage of getting to drive the fastest, slickest cars known to man! It’s your opportunity to school others in how to drive with precision and style! Go ahead – it’s your time to have some fun! Join the top drivers club and traverse the area at high speed, showing your rivals their place!

You will get to choose from a variety of sports cars, a SUV, a muscle car and many others. Thanks to the dynamic day and night system the game will look differently depending on when you launch it. Prepare to drive regardless on the conditions, showing your proficiency and high skills to all around you! The detailed, eye-catching visuals will help you immerse yourself in the environment.

Your speed is very important here, but so is precision and safety. Test yourself and see if you can be at the same time fast and safe, completing all of the objectives with accuracy. The better you do, the higher your score and rewards which you can use to buy better cars and in turn complete even more tasks!

There's plenty of fun driving, drifting and high stakes missions to accomplish! Fasten your seatbelts, prepare yourself and show others your racing skills in one of 10 awesome cars! Shopping Mall awaits you!

来自应用汇: Shopping Mall Car Driving //

Shopping Mall Car Driving 版本更新

We’ve updated our privacy policy in accordance to the recent law changes. The game is now fully GDPR compliant. More information available in the app.

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  • 千年等一回,法海不懂爱 2019-02-09


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