Makeup Beauty Camera

Makeup Beauty Camera

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Makeup Beauty Camera 介绍

Makeup Beauty Camera

Makeup Beauty Camera is a photo editor to make you beautiful. For you who like selfie, this app is perfect for you to try. By using this application, you can add makeup such as beautiful hair, crown on head, jewelry necklace, give effect to beautiful lashes, give perfect eyebrows and also have a cool soft lens effect.In addition, there are other accessories that you can use, among others, are eyeshadow, mascara, eyelashes, glitter and text cartoon effects that can make the display more crowded. You can give makeup to photos of your friends with this app.The following are some of the features and how to use:1. You need to take the first image through the camera or you can take a picture in your Android gallery.2. Attach the sticker you want, you can zoom in or out stickers by using two fingers. Attach right on the area that you want. Stickers: Consists of various collections that you can use to decorate your photos.3. Adjust the opacity to make the stickers you become transparent, so that the result looks like a picture of you becomes more real.4. Use the "Flip" to make you change your sticker shape.5. Use the "Delete" button to remove the stickers that you do not use.6. The "Done" is used to proceed to the next step.7. The "Share" is used to share the results of your picture with your friends through social networks that you have used.8. Button "Save" is used to store the photos or images you into Android gallery.9. The "Set As" used to make your photos into wallpaper or can be used to change your social networking profile photo.10. Have fun.Use photos with faces that are easy to be decorated. So you are not too difficult to make a great view. By using photos with the right style, your photo edits will look perfect and like the original.

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  • 获取网络状态
  • 获取WiFi状态
  • 拍照权限
  • 访问网络
  • 使用振动
  • 写入外部存储
  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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