Lost World Survival Simulator

Lost World Survival Simulator

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Lost World Survival Simulator 介绍

Lost World Survival Simulator

Welcome to the Lost World – desert island inhabited by dinosaurs. Seem like time turned back to the Jurassic age! Be a survivor, lost and lonely, and try to stay alive at all costs! Hunt for wild animals, battle against powerful Jurassic dinos, build shelters to hide and thrive in this strange hostile environment – survival island! Explore lost world and meet dangerous Jurassic animals – dinos! Some of them might be herbivorous, but some dinosaurs are really dangerous! Avoid meeting with Tyrannosaurus or Velociraptor, don’t forget that your main goal is to survive! Walk around this mysterious land, find weapons and other survival tools, which could help you to stay alive! Salvage all the tools and weapons or craft your own ones! It’s a kind of hard job to live on uninhabited island, especially if it’s inhabited by dangerous dinosaurs! Hunt for animals to find food, battle against Tyrannosaurs, Velociraptor or other dinos for your life, build shelters to have a rest and discover the secrets of Lost World with this island survival simulator in 3d!Use all your exploration, battling and survival skills just to stay alive! Mind character indicators - health, energy and fullness. Never let one of these drops – it will let you no chance to survive! Find or craft special survival tools – weapons, axes, fishing rods or just sticks to make fire. Your ingenuity may help you to stay alive in such harsh conditions of desert island! Explore lost world to find tools and weapons, craft your own ones and overcome all the difficulties playing Lost World Survival Simulator in 3D!Remember that Lost World is full of predators and other dangers! Upgrade your survivor to battle against Jurassic dinos, find powerful weapon and make your life in this Lost World environment safe and comfortable! Hunt, fish or gather to find food, fight against dinos and other prehistoric animals and make this dangerous island your home! Try Lost World Survival Simulator, are you afraid of exploring lost island inhabited by dinos and other Jurassic monsters? Test your battling, survival and hunting skills playing amazing survival simulator in 3D!Lost World Survival Simulator features:- Explore Lost World – strange island inhabited by dinosaurs and other Jurassic animals- Mind health, energy and fullness indicators of your survivor- Hunt for wild animals, battle against Tyrannosaurs, Velociraptor or other dinos, gather or fish to find food- Amazing island survival simulator in 3DDive into the atmosphere of Jurassic age - Tyrannosaurs, Velociraptor or other dinosaurs are everywhere! Explore lost uninhabited island, find or craft survival tools and weapons and start a battle for your life with Lost World Survival Simulator in 3D! Upgrade your hunting, battling and exploring skill with this simulator and make this dangerous place your home!Check our profile on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/GBN/1609401809320016We are waiting for your comments and reviews!

来自应用汇: Lost World Survival Simulator //www.stclairws.com/app/com.gbn.lostworldsurvival?from=spi-desc

Lost World Survival Simulator 版本更新

New version of Lost World Survival Simulator in 3D:- Ability to buy virtual currency- Minor bug fixes

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用户对 Lost World Survival Simulator 的评论

  • 千巡不厌 2018-08-02


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