Kids Hotel Room Cleaning

Kids Hotel Room Cleaning

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Kids Hotel Room Cleaning 介绍

Kids Hotel Room Cleaning

Hi, Welcome to Kids Hotel Room Cleaning game for kids and girls!For a long time we're planning to open a five star hotel which attracts more customers to stay in. So we've just started our new hotel business and we need your help for hotel management. Do you want to help us in our project? Surely you'll help us with all our needs. Only with your help our hotel will look good and clean. With this Kids Hotel Room Cleaning game you can have more fun and can learn new things.Here in this cleaning game for kids you are going to clean the whole hotel which includes cleaning up the messy hotel reception, hotel rooms, bathroom cleaning & dirty swimming pool cleaning. You will also get a chance to work as a laundry girl/boy where you will be cleaning & washing the hotel guest’s clothes. It's fun game for girls and kids.Features of Kids Hotel Room Cleaning:- Clean Kitchen by washing dirty dishes and cups- Bathroom Cleaning: Clean dirty bathroom and toilet, clean the tiles- Hotel Rooms cleaning: Collect garbage and arrange furniture, clean the dust- Clean Swimming Pool: Collect garbage from pool and nearby pool, clean the tiles, cut the unnecessary plants- Hotel Reception area cleaning- Cleaning & washing the hotel guests clothesThe kids hotel room cleaning game has all kind of kid's fun activities.Download it free & Cheer up kids!

来自应用汇: Kids Hotel Room Cleaning //

Kids Hotel Room Cleaning 版本更新

- V1.5.0

* Crash Issue Resolved

* Minor Bugs Fixed

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