Taxi Driver Cab Simulator 2017

Taxi Driver Cab Simulator 2017

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Taxi Driver Cab Simulator 2017 介绍

Taxi Driver Cab Simulator 2017

Get in to the most famous taxi and drive the passengers safely to their destinations!Are you a fan of high speed 3d simulators? Do you enjoy games with blue skies, bright sun, pristine sidewalks, and fresh new faces? Does the thought of heavy vehicle driving give you a major rush? Then this crazy cabbie simulator has everything you need. Fasten your seat belt and experience this crazy driving taxi adventure in a taxi game all about real racing around off road and winter towns to complete challenging missions. Hold on tight for a wild ride and feel the thrill of riding through the vast Taxi Driver Hill Mountain 3D. As a pro taxi driver your job is to pick up the passengers, drive through heavy traffic and drop them off at their specific destinations. But remember, time is of the essence! With this epic parking adventure of Taxi 3D, you have to be the courageous kind of yellow cabbie who takes on any challenge and proves he is better than the rest. Drive on the hill roads and experience a gorgeous hill station like city taxi driver. Drive at high speed and don’t let curvy paths and treacherous turns slow you down. The passengers are waiting, SO BE QUICK! Prove that you are the best of the best in this exciting taxi driver cab simulator 2017.Fasten your seat belt and get ready for a thrilling drive!Sit behind the steering wheel of your taxi and take people to their destinations on time. Drive down off road terrains and up hills and mountains to the passenger location! Beware of the dangerous road twists and get to the destinations on time. Prove your worth as the best taxi driver playing this Taxi Driver Hill Mountain 3D. Drive like a crazy driver and reach the beautiful hill stations and mountains like you've never driven before. Enjoy the beautiful sights, drive your snow taxi driver simulator on the beautiful hill roads and earn money from passengers. The roads of the mountain are very narrow with a dangerous drift, so you have to focus on the track and be ready with the brakes! Drive safely around the steep slopes to get pass hazards and obstacles or you might destroy your cab taxi. Be the rush hour cabby who excels at his work. Just remember you are driving against the clock so drive as fast as you can to complete your tasks. The ride of this cab is worth taking, so keep your seat belt on and then drive like the fastest and furious driver who has only one goal—to complete the impossible mission! You will get addicted to this simulation game. Prove you are one of the stubborn drivers ready to accept every challenge in any condition. Enjoy this exciting chance to operate our amazing car driving simulator features, not available in any other modern taxi games and deliver heavy cargo to earn more cash! Take the role of a busybody cab driver in this fun driving simulation game! Complete your tasks and missions of the day by transporting passengers to their desired destinations. But watch out for hitchhikers and rushing customers! Swerve around traffic safely to save time and earn the respect of your customers by always being on time! We are committed to bringing high-quality, innovative simulator games onto the free to play please share your thoughts in your reviews. And always stay tuned to BLEEDING EDGE STUDIO for the latest ideas and exciting concepts in the world of 3D simulators!

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