Talking Putin 2: Mother Russia

Talking Putin 2: Mother Russia

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Talking Putin 2: Mother Russia 介绍

Talking Putin 2: Mother Russia

"Putin says 2 - this is an opportunity to talk with the president in an informal setting at any time convenient for you. All the joys of life as the president's hand. This app will entertain your famous gags by Vladimir. It's kind of a straight line with the president, which lasts for three hours, and as you wish. On it you will finally be able to ask him questions and to express their wishes. In addition, you will find a confrontation with Navalny, which ended for the infamous blogger and chatterbox prison, and will be able to drive for a couple of another president. The one Barack Obama. The Talking Putin app on the tablet, especially for you will tell Vladimir Vladimirovich, where he keeps his money and how to decide the affairs of state.- How Putin in the role of fortuneteller guesses on camomile- Converge in a fierce battle with the DC Comics hero - Batman.- Flip a coin- Podozhzhёt money have fallen from the sky- To play with you in the ""Guess the box in which the money""- New fun dancing and much more."

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