Ad Block Remover ROOT (BETA)

Ad Block Remover ROOT (BETA)

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Ad Block Remover ROOT (BETA) 介绍

Ad Block Remover ROOT (BETA)

I am not responsible for damage you do to your phone. This app is also still in beta stages. Everything should work perfectly but please make backups before running.

If you support the developer community than you will appreciate this application. Advertisements are used to allow developers to make money while keeping the application free for you to use. Without ads the application would not be free. This application was created to remove the ad blockers from your phone IF you are willing to do so.

This Application will skim the hosts file located at /etc/hosts and look for blocks to networks that are commonly used to broadcast advertisements in applications. It will not (Unless you manually tell it to) remove blocks to web-page advertisements . This application will also allow you to backup your hosts file in case you ever want to restore it back to how it was. A lot of Roms nowadays come with a modded /etc/hosts file. The hosts file can be used to redirect calls to the Internet. So whenever the phone tries to reach an advertisement network it will be redirected to whatever it is defined to in the hosts file. It is definitely cool and a lot of times useful. But mobile advertisements take up such a little bit of space and sometimes if they are blocked that space just becomes black instead of usable. So why cant we give up this little bit of space so we can keep our applications free?

I use advertisements to cover my server costs which broadcasts information for my applications to use. My server wouldn't be on using electricity if it wasn't for my users downloading and using the applications.
So, advertisements make everybody happy. It keeps everything free and keeps the open source Dev community rolling.

My personal experience: The reason I wrote this app is because I installed a custom Rom on my phone (not going to name the Rom) and I didn't even notice that it came with a modded hosts file until I wanted to add advertisements to my applications. It literally took me months to figure this out BTW. So it is very likely that people have no idea it is being blocked. I love this ROM but I lost a lot of respect for the developer who should be a supporter of advertisements. After doing more research I found that a lot of custom Roms were doing this so one night I decided to put it to an end.

If you have any questions about this application send me an email at

来自应用汇: Ad Block Remover ROOT (BETA) //

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Ad Block Remover ROOT (BETA) 信息






  • 获取网络状态
  • 访问网络
  • 写入外部存储
  • 读写系统设置
  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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