Name Art : Stylist Name Maker

Name Art : Stylist Name Maker

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Name Art : Stylist Name Maker 介绍

Name Art : Stylist Name Maker

Name Art : Stylist Name Maker is Fingertip Art in which your name written in art. Name Art : Stylist Name Maker makes your name in stylish art way. Using Name Art : Stylist Name Maker app you can make your name like your signature. You have to just write your name and many stylish suggestions you can see in this focus n filter.Write your name with focus and filter. This application is used to write your name with different way and filter. You can also draw a painting and name as you want with many font filters. We are provide all types of name and all name like your friends name, family member name, girl friend name, etc all types of name are allow in this application.The Main features is the save and share your name via social network like Instagram, Facebook,whatsapp, twitter etc. You can also set the profile or DP of your Instagram, Facebook, whatsapp etc. this profile picture is different from your other friends. This application is fully free from android market. It is very easy to used and beautiful design.FEATURES:- Enter your name OR Write your name with focus and filter.- Select focus and filters style- see the different type of the focusing name- Font size change-Font of different color in single name- save to next step- save & share with Instagram, whatsapp, facebook, and many other social sites etc.- Also Set Profile Picture.Name Art : Stylist Name Maker is totally free application so you can download any time freely. If you like this application then don’t forget to rate for it and review for it.If you have any suggestion then sends it through our email address and we try our best to implant.Thank you for downloading our application and enjoy it……

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Name Art : Stylist Name Maker 信息







App Bank Studio

  • 获取粗略位置
  • 获取网络状态
  • 访问网络
  • 设置桌面壁纸
  • 设置壁纸建议
  • 写入外部存储
  • 读写系统设置



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