Horse Grooming Salon

Horse Grooming Salon

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Horse Grooming Salon 介绍

Horse Grooming Salon

Horses are magnificent creatures and if you are someone who wants to own their very own horse and look after her then this Horse Grooming makeover game is the right one for you. Choose your horse and prepare her ready for the show or for riding around the paddock. Now you can wash, dry, blow dry, replace her horse shoes, brush her teeth and pet her down in all the spots she loves. Also choose her saddle, head piece and bridle to create the perfect image of what you want your horse to look like. Owning your own horse doesn't have to be a dream, choose yours today and feel the wonder and beauty of grooming and taking care of your horse with this Horse Grooming animal game.Features: - CHOOSE your horse between many lovely horses- SWAT the flies away from her so she doesn't get bitten- SCRUB her up with soapy water so she is clean and shiny- RINSE the soap off her before she licks herself- WIPE your horse down so she doesn't stay wet- BLOW dry her hair and mane to keep her warm and dry- BRUSH her hair and mane straight ready for clipping- BRUSH her teeth until they are beautiful and white- REPLACE her horse shoes and clean her hooves for extra comfort when walking!- CLIP her extra hair ready for the show or for a ride in the paddock- SHOW her how much you love her by patting her in spots she loves- CHOOSE her saddle, bridle, and head piece between many great options!Features:- CHOOSE your horse between many lovely horses- SWAT the flies away from her so she doesn't get bitten- SCRUB her up with soapy water so she is clean and shiny- RINSE the soap off her before she licks herself- WIPE your horse down so she doesn't stay wet- BLOW dry her hair and mane to keep her warm and dry- BRUSH her hair and mane straight ready for clipping- BRUSH her teeth until they are beautiful and white- REPLACE her horse shoes and clean her hooves for extra comfort when walking!- CLIP her extra hair ready for the show or for a ride in the paddock- SHOW her how much you love her by patting her in spots she loves- CHOOSE her saddle, bridle, and head piece between many great options!

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  • la28 2019-06-13

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