Rose Wedding Cake Game

Rose Wedding Cake Game

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Rose Wedding Cake Game 介绍

Rose Wedding Cake Game

The rose wedding cake game is a fun and adorable wedding cake cooking game that gives you a chance to create your own dream wedding cake that would look beautiful on the table in front of your guests. With so many different designs and colours to choose from you can really make your wedding cake stand out. This game features many things as cake color, side cake decoration, trimming decoration, plate decoration, flowers, top decoration, and additional decorations. With this bride cake game you simply click on each separate icon at the top of the screen and then click on each of the decorations or colors below then watch as your cake takes place. With the last icon you simply click and hold the mouse on the decoration you like and simply drag the decoration across and place it where you need it to be on the cake to create the perfect finishing touches. If you wish to restart from scratch, all you have to do is press the “reset” button at the bottom left hand side of the screen and your cake will go back to its original form. When you finish your cake decoration, you simply press the “show” button at the bottom left hand side of the screen and watch as your cake transforms in front of you in all its glory. If you want to replay the game over again, all you have to do is press the “replay” button and you will go back to the start of the game. These rose cake cooking games are great for the inner chef and is perfect for anyone who fantasizes about their dream wedding. Perfect for the bride to be or even single girls, if you want to make your own wedding cake why not try this Rose Wedding Cake game.This game features many things as cake color, side cake decoration, trimming decoration, plate decoration, flowers, top decoration, and additional decorations.With this bride cake game you simply click on each separate icon at the top of the screen and then click on each of the decorations or colors below then watch as your cake takes place. With the last icon you simply click and hold the mouse on the decoration you like and simply drag the decoration across and place it where you need it to be on the cake to create the perfect finishing touches. If you wish to restart from scratch, all you have to do is press the “reset” button at the bottom left hand side of the screen and your cake will go back to its original form.When you finish your cake decoration, you simply press the “show” button at the bottom left hand side of the screen and watch as your cake transforms in front of you in all its glory. If you want to replay the game over again, all you have to do is press the “replay” button and you will go back to the start of the game.These rose cake cooking games are great for the inner chef and is perfect for anyone who fantasizes about their dream wedding. Perfect for the bride to be or even single girls, if you want to make your own wedding cake why not try this Rose Wedding Cake game.

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